Search for "15th+european+conference+on+games+based+learning" - Page 1

Showing 1 - 20 of 152 results
10th European Conference on Games Based Learning
ISBN: 978-1-911218-12-8
Edited by Conceição Costa
Edited by Dr Panagiotis Fotaris
Edited by Dr Panagiotis Fotaris
Edited by Ton Spil, Guido Bruinsma and Luuk Collou
Edited by Sarah Jane Johnston and Shawren Singh
Edited by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Busch, Prof. Dr. Regina Frieß, Martin Steinicke and Prof. Dr. Tilo Wendler
Edited by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Busch, Prof. Dr. Regina Frieß, Martin Steinicke and Prof. Dr. Tilo Wendler
ISBN: 978-1-910810-93-4 Edited by Robert Koch and Gabi Rodosek
Edited by Shawren Singh
PDF Version of the ECIE 2020 Conference Proceedings
Print Version of the ECIE 2020 Conference Proceedings
edited by Dr Panagiotis Fotaris, and Dr Andrew Blake
Edited by Dan Remenyi
Edited by Dan Remenyi ISBN: 978-1-912764-80-8