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ECMLG 2021-Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance
edited by Professor Frank Bezzina
These proceedings represent the work of contributors to the 17th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance (ECMLG 2021) hosted by ACI and University of Malta, Valletta, Malta on 8-9 November 2021. The Conference Chair is Professor Frank Bezzina and the Proogram chair is Professor Vincent Cassar, both from University of Malta, Valletta, Malta.
ECMLG is now a well-established event on the academic research calendar and now in its 17th year the key aim remains the opportunity for participants to share ideas and meet the people who hold them. The conference was due to be held at University of Malta, Valletta, Malta but due to the global Covid-19 pandemic it was moved online to be held as a virtual event. The scope of papers will ensure an interesting two days. The subjects covered illustrate the wide range of topics that fall into this important and ever-growing area of research.
The opening keynote presentation is given by Eric Barends, , MD at Center for Evidence-Based Management, on the topic of 10 years of Evidence Based Management: Challenges, Insights and Developments. The second day of the conference Keynote presentation is given by Prof Sandra C Buttigieg, Mater Dei Hospital, Malta, on the topic of Leading and Managing Health Systems during COVID-19 times.
With an initial submission of 91 abstracts, after the double blind, peer review process there are 52 Academic research papers, 2 PhD research papers, 3 Masters Research papers, 1 Non-Academic Paper and 2 work-in-progress papers published in these Conference Proceedings. These papers represent research from Australia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Malta, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and the United States.