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Innovation in Teaching of Research Methodology Excellence Awards 2018: An Anthology of Case Histories
Edited by Dan Remenyi ISBN: 978-1-911218-89-0
This year’s European Conference on Business Research Methods being held in Rome, as the conference become 17 years old, again demonstrates that this topic is still of vital interest to many teachers and researchers. There are this year 59 papers from 33 countries on 5 continents. Furthermore, the range of different approaches to research methodology in the social sciences continues to develop.
And of course the Teaching Research Methods Excellence Awards in this field continues to attract attention and develop.
We are very encouraged by the interest which has been shown in these Excellence Awards, as we believe that the case histories recorded here may be a special assistance to those who are trying to improve their methodology teaching.
Once again this publication contains the entries from the shortlisted contestants and gives the reader a good overview of the type of issues which academics are coping with in classrooms today in various parts of the world.