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ECSM 2016 - Proceedings of The 3rd European Conference on Social Media -
ISBN: 978-1-911218-00-5 Edited by Christine Bernadas and Delphine Minchella
Proceedings of The 3rd European Conference on Social Media - ECSM 2016
Hosted by l’Ecole de Management de Normandie (EM Normandie), Caen, France on 12-13 July 2016
Edited by Christine Bernadas and Delphine Minchella
ISBN: 978-1-911218-00-5
These Proceedings represent the work of contributors to the 3rd European Conference on Social Media, ECSM 2016, hosted this year by l’Ecole de Management de Normandie (EM Normandie) in Caen, France. The Conference Chair is Dr Christine Bernadas, and the Programme Chair is Dr Delphine Minchella, both from l’Ecole de Management de Normandie (EM Normandie) in Caen, France.
The conference will be opened with a keynote address by Ali Ouni from The Spectrum Group, France on the topic of “Researchers in Social Media, Businesses need you”. The Second day keynote will be addressed byDr Sue Greener, from The University of Brighton Business School, UK on the topic of “Unlearning Learning with Social Media”.
The scope of this conference remains broad as it continues to encourage participation from a range of disciplines undertaking social media research. Tracks this year include using social media in business, social media technologies for learning and teaching, monitoring social media and social media innovation – to name just a few.
With an initial submission of 147 abstracts, after the double blind, peer review process there are 50 Academic Research papers, 6 PhD Research Papers, 4 Masters Research papers, 2 Work in Progress papers in these Conference Proceedings. These papers reflect the truly global nature of research in the area with contributions from many countries including Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Turkey, UK and USA.