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<!--029-->ECMLG 2014 10th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance Zagreb, Croatia

ECMLG 2014 10th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance Zagreb, Croatia


Complete proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance. PRINT version Published by Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited ISBN: 978-1-910309-75-9 ISSN: 2048-9021

:  at  £60.00  each

 Published by Academic Conferences and Publishing  International Limited

Edited by: Visnja Grozdanic, Vern' University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia.  PRINT version of the proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance ECMLG 2014 Zagreb, Croatia hosted by Vern' University, Zagreb, Croatia on the 13-14 November 2014. The PRINT version contains the complete proceedings with a total of 586 pages

Book version ISBN:  978-1-910309-75-9

Book Version ISSN: 2049-9021